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Volunteers In Public Schools (VIPS)


San Angelo ISD offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities to interested adults through the Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) program. Volunteers truly assist in providing the best possible educational experience for SAISD students. The Communications Department would like to take this opportunity to welcome and encourage parents and other friends of SAISD to become volunteers. VIPS are truly priceless assets to our school district.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering must be at least 21 years of age and must complete our online application. Included in the application is a background check, which is required by school board policy and helps assure the safety of our students.

Board Policy GKG(LEGAL) - Community Relations: School Volunteer Program

Please click the appropriate link below to begin the application process.

Current SAISD Employees

If you are a current SAISD employee (including tutors and substitutes) who wishes to volunteer at a campus other than your own, please click below to fill out a form for SAISD employees.

SAISD Employees Apply Here

Prospective Volunteers

If you are a parent, a guardian, or a community member who is interested in volunteering for San Angelo ISD, please click the link below to access the San Angelo ISD volunteer application. 

Prospective Volunteers Apply Here

For assistance with filling out the application, please call the SAISD Communications Department, 8:00 AM til 5:00 PM school days:  947‐3838, x 524.

Applications will be processed in the order received.  Applications received during high volume times such as the beginning of the school year may require additional time to process.  Once your application is completed, please direct any inquiries regarding your volunteer status to your campus office.    

Visitors and Volunteers

Who is considered a visitor and who is considered a volunteer on SAISD campuses? All visitors to a campus (including volunteers) must sign in at the front office using Raptor. However, volunteers must additionally have already completed a Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) application and be on the district’s approved volunteer list prior to volunteering. The VIPS application process includes an annual criminal history background check.



A visitor is someone who would like to visit their child at school or attend campus functions/eat lunch with their child. A visitor does not interact with students other than their own. A visitor should not fill out the VIPS application. A visitor may simply sign-in at the front office. (Note: first-time visitors to a campus will be asked to present a driver’s license or photo ID to be scanned into the Raptor system at the time of their visit first.)

Visitor Examples:

  • Visiting or observing their own children in class 
  • Having lunch with their children
  • Attending classroom and school events/parties



A volunteer is a person rendering instructional services for or on behalf of the school/district. Volunteers are given an assignment or task dealing directly with children other than their own while on campus or school-sponsored trips. A parent or guardian who would like to do more than just visit their child, by offering to help the school in some way, is considered a volunteer. Volunteers must complete a VIPS application and have an annual background check completed by the District on file before being considered for volunteer duties. 

Volunteer Examples:

  • A room parent who comes to class regularly to help the teacher
  • A lunchroom monitor
  • A volunteer reader for San Angelo READS!
  • Someone who works in the school periodically, assisting where needed
  • A chaperone for a school activity, field trip, or overnight trip

Frequently Asked Questions

For the health and safety of our students and staff, we have temporarily suspended our Volunteer program until further notice.