GT Identification Process for SAISD Enrolled Students
Please contact your child’s counselor for information regarding GT identification.
SAISD will universally screen every Kindergarten student in November/December of each school year. The District will use information from the screener to determine which students will continue in the GT screening process. Parents/guardians must complete and sign the Parent Information Survey to give permission for their student to continue with the GT screening process. The parent or guardian will be notified in writing if the student qualifies for the SAISD Gifted and Talented Program by March 1st. A Parent Permission to Enroll Form will be sent to parents/guardians. Once the Permission to Enroll Form is returned to the Office of Advanced Academics, the GT identified student’s home campus will be notified to begin serving the student in the GT program. GT identified Kindergarten students will remain on the home campus for the rest of the school year. GT trained teachers serve GT identified students at every campus.
Elementary Level (Grades 1-5)
SAISD conducts GT screening in grades one through five in February of each school year. A parent, teacher, and/or campus counselor may initiate the screening process for a student. Requests for GT screening should be initiated prior to the second Friday in January. Referrals after this deadline will not be considered. Parents/guardians must complete and sign the Parent Information Survey prior to any tests being administered. Before April 1st, the parent or guardian will be notified in writing if the student qualifies for the SAISD Gifted and Talented Program. A Parent Permission to Enroll Form will be sent to parents/guardians. GT identified students have an enrollment choice listed on the Parent Permission to Enroll Form. This form must be returned to the Office of Advanced Academics the Friday before the last day of school to be considered for your preferred campus for GT services. GT trained teachers serve GT identified students at every campus.
Multiple sources are used for Kindergarten-Grade 5 GT identification including:
- Parent Information Survey
- Teacher Survey
- Grade appropriate achievement test
- Grade appropriate ability test
- Student Profile
Secondary Level (Grades 6-12)
SAISD conducts GT screening in grades six through twelve in March of each school year. A parent, teacher, and/or campus counselor may initiate the screening process for a student. Requests for GT screening should be initiated prior to the second Friday in February. Referrals after this deadline will not be considered. Parents/guardians must complete and sign the Parent Information Survey prior to any tests being administered. Before May 1st, the parent or guardian will be notified in writing if the student qualifies for the SAISD Gifted and Talented Program. A Parent Permission to Enroll Form will be sent to parents/guardians. After the Permission form is returned to the Office of Advanced Academics, the campus will be notified of the GT identification. Students in grades six through twelve receive GT services through Advanced Academics classes. Teachers of Advanced Academics classes are GT trained and participate in GT training updates annually.
Multiple sources are used for Grades 6-12 GT identification including:
- Parent Information Survey
- Teacher Survey
- Grade appropriate achievement test
- Grade appropriate ability test
- Creative Thinking Test
- Student Profile