When the campus of the enrolling GT identified student becomes aware of the GT identification, the campus will notify the Office of Advanced Academics. (Please contact the Office of Advanced Academics if the campus is closed for the summer.) The District will request GT records from the sending district to confirm the student is GT identified. Please note that it may take up to 45 days for the records request and review. If it is determined that the student should be GT identified in SAISD, permission to enroll in the GT program will be requested from the parent in writing. For elementary students: If GT identification is confirmed, a choice of placement for GT services at the home campus or GT magnet campuses will be given. If GT identification is confirmed after the transfer window closes, then the choice of placement for GT services at the magnet campuses may be offered if space is available. If choosing to request a transfer to a GT magnet campus, please complete the district transfer request in the online registration process. If you have any questions concerning the process, please contact the office of Advanced Academics.