Curriculum and Instruction
San Angelo ISD curriculum is a framework for guiding teachers and leaders in the design of student work and planning of instruction that is standards-based, challenging, customized, innovative, and responsive to learners' needs in alignment with SAISD's Vision, Mission, Beliefs, and Commitments.
The development of the SAISD Teaching and Learning Plan (TLP) is designed to support the instructional vision of the San Angelo Independent School District and reflects community and district expectations of a standards-based curriculum that is focused on authentic student engagement, academic rigor, and a coherent curriculum that supports college, career and citizenship readiness. The plan establishes the expectations, guidelines, and procedures for the design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum.
The Curriculum and Instruction department will provide strategic, targeted support to campuses in the areas of district priority through campus presence, PLC support, data reflection, resource guidance, and coaching in instructional best practice.
Curriculum Theory of Action
In San Angelo ISD, we believe all students must have equitable access to a rigorous college, career, and future-ready curriculum. The San Angelo ISD standards-based curriculum:
- Integrates content with the future-ready skills as described in the San Angelo ISD Future- Ready Learner Profile,
- Is academically rigorous, intellectually challenging (cognitive demand), and
- Is responsive to the needs of all learners.
These three core features of the San Angelo ISD curriculum are translated in the curriculum framework through:
- Identification of high-priority learning standards to clarify and focus standards-based instruction (TEKS, ELPS, other CCR standards, and future-ready skills)
- Development of curriculum guidance documents that integrate with content expectations
- Inclusion of scaffolds, differentiation and modification strategies into the curriculum guidance documents to meet the needs of all learners
- Selection and adoption of instructional resources and materials that meet the expectations for content standards, cognitive demand, and responsiveness.
- Engagement of all instructional staff in high-quality, prioritized, professional learning geared to increasing capacity to facilitate learning of content standards and future-ready skills
- Use of an assessment philosophy and process that relies on multiple measures of learning to:
- provide feedback regarding mastery of standards
- incorporate and develop future-ready skills
- inform instruction to support student self-management of learning
- use collaborative processes to formatively measure learner progress and growth
Contact Information
(325) 947-3838 x770