Allergy Guidelines
Allergy Management Plan
Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe allergic reaction from exposure to a causative agent like certain foods, stinging insects, medications, latex, or environmental allergens. The treatment for these exposures is epinephrine which is supplied in epinephrine auto-injectors.
This management plan addresses guidelines to be followed to assure the safest environment for our students at risk for anaphylaxis from food or other allergens as discussed above.
The district goals are:
- to provide a safe and healthy learning environment
- reduce the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions
- ensure a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reaction
- protect the rights of students with life threatening allergies to participate in all school activities
Guidelines for Managing Students with Food Allergies
Parental Responsibility:
- Notify the school of the child’s allergies.
- Develop a plan with the principal, school nurse, and school staff to accommodate the child’s needs throughout the school, including the classroom, cafeteria, on fieldtrips, and on the bus
- Complete the Severe Allergy Action Plan, providing written medical documentation, instructions, and medications as directed by a physician (you may download this form from the Health Services section on the website or obtain it from your school office).
- Provide properly labeled, age appropriate medications and the completed, required medication form (available on the website or school office).
- Educate the child in the self-management of their food allergy including:
- Safe and unsafe foods
- Strategies for avoiding exposure to unsafe foods
- Symptoms of allergic reactions
- How and when to tell an adult they may be having an allergy-related problem
- How to read food labels if age appropriate
- Provide emergency contact information and update this information as changes occur.
- Review procedures with the school staff after a reaction has occurred.
School Responsibility:
- Include food-allergic students in school activities. Students should not be excluded from school activities solely based on their food allergy.
- The principal, school nurse, teacher, counselor, and cafeteria manager should work with parents and the student to establish a prevention plan.
- The school nurse will strive to identify students with a history or risk of anaphylaxis by reviewing current enrollment forms, medical alerts in eSchool, and previous school year’s action forms.
- The school nurse will contact the parents to obtain information on the risk of anaphylaxis, medical orders, medication as prescribed by physician, and appropriate forms.
- The school nurse will notify the Cafeteria Manager and Food Service Department of a particular student’s food allergy and initiate appropriate paperwork required by Food Service.
- The school nurse will notify Transportation of a student riding a bus with a food allergy and fill out the appropriate paperwork.
- The school nurse will notify campus staff who regularly interact with a specific student about the foods that trigger an allergic reaction, educate staff on the specifics of a student’s plan and to take medications on all fieldtrips the student will attend. The school nurse will also train them in the use of rescue medication.
- Students may carry their own epinephrine, if age appropriate and after approval from the student’s physician, parent, and school nurse.
- After an event, the principal, campus nurse, parents, student (if appropriate), and physician will review the procedures, and make any necessary changes.
- Follow federal and state laws regarding sharing of personal medical information about the student.
Student’s Responsibility:
- Should not trade food with other students
- Should not eat anything with unknown ingredients or know to contain any allergen.
- Should be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies based on their developmental level
- Should notify an adult immediately if they eat something they suspect may contain the food which they are allergic.
View the Complete DSHS Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis on the Texas Department of State Health Services website.