In accordance with the Texas Department of Health immunization schedule, recommendations are adopted by the Texas Board of Health and published in the Texas Register annually, a child or student shall show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to entry, attendance, or transfer to a child care facility or public or private elementary or secondary school, or institution of higher education.
A student may be provisionally enrolled if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine as required by TAC Title 25, Rule 97.66. To remain enrolled, the student must complete the required subsequent does in each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination. If at the end of the 30 day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose is administered (Rule 97.66, Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code).
In the event that office personnel or the school nurse finds a student delinquent in an immunization series, they will notify the parent and provide an exclusion date. On the date of exclusion, the student will not be able to attend school until an updated shot record is submitted and verified by school personnel or the school nurse (Rule 97.66, Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code). Acceptable documentation of immunizations is any record of immunizations validated by a physician or his/her designee, or public health personnel. The record must show the month, day, and year when each immunization was received.
Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students
Below you will find a summary of the vaccines that are required for school attendance. To view the most up-to-date immunization recommendations and requirements for school attendance, please visit the Department of State Health Services website or click here.
Texas Immunization Requirements for college bound students
Passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1107, requires all entering students at Texas institutions of higher education to be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis within the last five years and at least ten (10) days prior to the first day of class.
Protect Your Entire Family Against Pertussis
Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a highly contagious disease spread through coughing. The good news is pertussis can be prevented by a vaccine. And there is a vaccine available for children 10 to 18 and adults.
Symptoms of Pertussis include runny nose, sneezing & cough (similar to a cold), severe coughing fits, and coughing spells lasting for more than six weeks.
Make sure children, teens, and adults receive the complete series of vaccines at the recommended ages. Ask your doctor or health care provider if your child is up to date with his/her vaccinations. It can help keep your kids in school – and out of the doctor’s office.
Download Pertussis vaccination information in printable format: English | Espanol
Exclusions from compliance are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, and active duty with the armed forces of the United States. Children and students in these categories must submit evidence for exclusion from compliance as specified in the Health and Safety Code, 161.004(d), Health and Safety Code 161.0041, Education code, Chapter 38, Education code, Chapter 51, and the Human Resources code, Chapter 42.
- To claim an exclusion for medical reasons, the child or student must present a statement signed by the child’s physician, duly registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States who has examined the child, in which it is stated that, in the physician’s opinion, the vaccine required is medically contraindicated or poses a significant risk to the health and wellbeing of the child or any member of the child’s household. Unless it is written in the statement that a lifelong condition exists, the exemption statement is valid for only one year from the date signed by the physician.
- To claim an exclusion for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, a signed affidavit must be presented by the child’s parent or guardian, stating that the child’s parent or guardian declines vaccinations for the reasons of conscience, including a person’s religious beliefs. The affidavit will be valid for two years. Affidavit MUST BE obtained by submitting a written request to the Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756 (Rule 97.62 Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code).
Immunizations Locations
- Your child’s primary care physician
- La Esperanza Health Clinic
2033 W. Beauregard Avenue
San Angelo, TX
(325) 658-5339
Call for Clinic Hours and Fees - San Angelo Health Department
2030 Pulliam, Suite 8
San Angelo, TX
(325) 657-4214
Call for Clinic Hours, Fees, and Eligibility - Local Pharmacies
*Please note that the flu vaccine is also available at the above locations.
Please be aware that Texas Vaccine for Children eligibility guidelines has changed effective January 1, 2012.
If your child has private insurance that covers immunizations, he/she will no longer be allowed to receive immunizations at the San Angelo Health Department and must be seen by their Health Care Provider or other vaccine provider. If you have private insurance and you are not sure whether immunizations are covered, contact the benefits coordinator to verify coverage.
At this time the only children that may receive immunizations at the Health Department are those who have Medicaid, CHIPS, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, private insurance that does NOT cover vaccines, insurance that caps vaccine coverage at a certain amount, or have no insurance coverage for vaccines.