Medication Guidelines
Below are school policies that are in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of children who need medicines during the school day. Please also review the medication guidelines in the student/parent handbook.
General Medication Guidelines
- Medication must be purchased in the United States, regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and must be in its original bottle. Medication purchased in a foreign country will not be given.
- Medication will not be accepted or administered unless the appropriate forms are completed by the parent and provider as outlined under Prescription and Over-The-Counter Medication Guidelines.
- No more than a 30-day supply should be delivered to the school at one time because of limited space.
- With the exception of first aid and comfort supplies (see Clinic Standing Order), SAISD does not supply, purchase or distribute medications to students or staff. This includes but is not limited to prescription medication as well as over the counter medications such as medicated ointments (eg Neosporin, Hydrocortisone) and pain reliever (eg Tylenol, Ibuprofen). The Athletics Department has their own procedures for SAISD athletes.
- School personnel can only administer a medication dose missed at home with a note or verbal permission from a parent confirming the dose was missed.
- For the safety of the student, parents must administer the initial dose of medication that their student has no prior history of taking. Because of the possibility of an allergic or adverse reaction, it is recommended that the parent keep the student home for close monitoring. School health staff will not administer the initial dose of a medication that the student has no prior history of taking.
- Medications will NOT be sent home with the student unless a medical provider has authorized to self-carry per student medical action plan. All unclaimed medication will be discarded on the last day of school.
- If school personnel reading the medical provider order and/or medication label find that the medication is contraindicated for that student, then the medication will not be administered at school. The parent will be notified and clarification will be sought from the student’s medical provider.
- Any changes to the dosage or frequency of medication being administered at school must be in writing by a medical provider. Otherwise, school personnel must administer medication as stated on the container label, or parents may choose to come to the school and dispense the medication to their student.
Prescription Medication Guidelines
- All Prescription medication must be properly labeled. This includes inhalers and Epipens.
- If medication is only given 1-3 times per day or time released, it can be given at home unless specific times are ordered by the physician.
- A pharmacist can prepare 2 labeled containers so there are properly labeled containers both at home and at school.
- If a student is to self-administer asthma medication (inhaler) or epi-pen, or have these types of medications available at school, an action plan must be completed, signed by the child’s parent and physician, and be on file in the office. These medications can only be given based on the prescription label instructions unless an action plan is provided with additional or emergency instructions. The Action Plan has a section where the student’s medical provider can grant permission for the student to self-administer medication.
- The district does not allow students to carry their own medications and self-administer without prior approval from their parent, physician, and the school nurse.
- All over-the-counter medications require a written order from an authorized medical provider (i.e. MD, DO, Podiatrist, Dentist, NP, or PA). This includes but is not limited to pain relievers, medicated ointments, cough drops, ear and eye drops.
- The SAISD Medical Provider and Parent Authorization forms must be completed prior to the school nurse or staff administering any over-the-counter medication. The medical provider authorization includes the following: Student Name and Date of Birth, Medical Provider Name with a Signature and Date, Name of Medication, Dosage, Time/Frequency, Route, and Reason for administering the medication.
- SAISD will accept written orders but the order must contain the following information: Order Date, Student Name, Medical Provider Name with Signature, Name of Medication, Dosage, Time/Frequency, Route, and Reason for administering the medication.
- Herbal or dietary supplements will not be administered unless the medication will benefit the student’s educational achievement as stated in the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan and is prescribed by a physician.
- Essential oils are concentrated liquids that give plants their characteristic scents. These oils are not regulated by the FDA. The strong scents could cause allergic reactions or aggravate respiratory issues in certain students; therefore, SAISD nurses, faculty, or staff will not administer essential oils.
Nurse Responsibility
Nurses are responsible for their own actions regardless of the medical provider’s written order. The Standards of Nursing Practice, found in Board Rule 217.11, requires nurses who have questions or concerns about orders or recommended treatment regimens, to clarify these orders with the ordering practitioner and notify him or her if the nurse believes the order is non efficacious, contraindicated, or inaccurate and when the nurse makes the decision not to administer the medication or treatment. While not required under the HIPAA Privacy Rule , which allows covered health care providers to disclose Protected Health Information (PHI) about students to school nurses, physicians, or other health care providers for treatment purposes, without the authorization of the student or student’s parent, it is recommended that the school nurse contact the student's parent or guardian to discuss their concerns with the medical provider written order.
Clinic Standing Orders
The following may be purchased by the district and used by district nurses, medical assistants and assigned trained staff as directed below for first aid and comfort for SAISD students. Parents may decline use of the items listed below by notifying their campus nurse or campus administration. Clinic supply will vary.
- Alcohol Solution/Wipes To cleanse body parts prior to punctures such as for injections (e.g . insulin administration). May also be used to relieve itching from insect bites after the site has been washed with soap and water.
- Aloe Vera Gel Apply topically per label instructions for relief of discomfort associated with minor sunburns, dry irritated skin, or insect bites. Do not use on large areas of the body or on broken, blistered or oozing skin.
- Antiseptic Wound Wipes Use as directed on label on minor wounds . Soap and water is always best when accessible .
- Burn Cream/Gel Use as directed on the label for minor burns.
- Contact Solution May provide to students while in the clinic to rinse and/or disinfect contact lenses as per label instructions.
- Cake Icing/Juice Administer for Insulin Reactions (15 Grams) per individual diabetic medical plan.
- Petroleum Jelly Apply topically per label instructions for chapped skin/lips , minor wounds, or insect bites after cleansing the site with soap and water.
- Saline Wound Wash/Wipes Use per label instructions to help rinse minor abrasions and wounds.
- Salt Mix w/ water to produce a solution for gargling. May use for a sore throat or mouth sores.
- Soft Peppermints May provide to students for cough, sore throat, or nausea.
- Sterile Isotonic Buffered or Normal Saline Eye Wash Use per label instructions for chemical emergencies associated with the eyes or may use per label instructions for irritated eyes.
- Sting Relief Wipes Use per label instructions for insect stings .
The following will not be purchased by the district or distributed to students or staff: analgesics, antipyretics, antacids, antibiotic ointments, antihistamines, cough/cold preparations, cough drops, decongestants. This list is not all inclusive. Call the Director of Health Services prior to purchasing items not listed on this standing order.