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Leave Information

Employee Leaves and Absences

Leave is granted in accordance with board policy DEC. Employees may elect the order in which they use leave. The leave elected must coincide with the reason for the absence. If an election is not made or if the leave elected does not have a balance, the district will apply available leave in the order below, as applicable.

Contact Information

Payroll & Benefits

T: (325)947-3838 x785 or x789

  1. State Sick Leave (prior to 1995-96) - Used for personal illness, illness of or death in immediate family or family emergency.
  2. Local Sick Leave - Used for personal illness, illness of or death in immediate family or family emergency.
  3. State Personal Leave - Discretionary or Non-Discretionary
    Non-discretionary - Used for personal illness, illness in or death of immediate family or family emergency.
    Discretionary - Taken at employee’s discretion, subject to limitations. Requires written request to supervisor 3 days in advance.
  4. Local Personal Leave (professional employees only) – 2 days per year maximum and $60 per day deducted.

For information about the district's leave policies, click the links below

Leaves and Absences Legal Framework
Leaves and Absences Local Policy

Employees complete one of the following Leave Reports after any absence.

Leave Report - Exempt Employees

Leave Report – Non Exempt Employees

For purposes of Payroll, what is Professional Development? The Professional Development job code is used in TimeClock when an employee goes outside the district (to WTTC, out of town, Region XV) to a training or seminar. In this situation, the employee would not have access to a time clock, consequently the employee would complete a Leave Report. The Leave Report should indicate the time as Professional Development. If a substitute was secured, the Leave Report will include a budget code and the substitute information. If the training is within the district, the regular job code is used and the Leave Report form is not necessary UNLESS a substitute was secured. Learn More

Discretionary Leave

Request for personal leave (discretionary leave as per Board Policy DEC Local) must be submitted to the supervisor at least three days prior to the requested date of absence. To submit a request for discretionary leave, please download and complete the following form and submit it to your supervisor.

Request for Approval of Personal Leave

Schedule Limitations - Discretionary use of state personal or local personal leave shall not be permitted for instructionally related personnel on the day before a school holiday, the day after a school holiday, days scheduled for state-mandated assessments, or professional development days. Please refer to the following documents for the dates that personal (discretionary) leave will not be allowed for instructionally-related personnel.

2023-2024 Discretionary Personal Leave Restrictions

Workers’ Compensation

The district participates in an Interlocal Agreement to provide workers' compensation benefits through a modified self-funded program. All on-the-job injuries are to be reported immediately to the employee’s supervisor or directly to the Risk Management office or the Human Resources Department. If you have questions, please call 325-947-3838, x785.

Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank

The purpose of the Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank is to provide additional sick leave days to members of the Bank in the event of an unexpected extended critical illness, surgery, or a temporary disability due to an injury.

Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Handbook

Request Form

Health Care Provider Certification

Family and Medical Leave Act

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law requiring covered employers to provide employees job-protected unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons. These reasons include personal or family illness; military service; family military leave; pregnancy, adoption, or the foster care placement of a child. For more information, click the links below.

Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act [Espanol]