Sole Source Purchases
Sole source purchases allow the district to purchase items that are available from only one source.
The criteria for “sole source” purchases include:
- The existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, or monopoly;
- A film, manuscript, or book;
- A utility service (electricity, gas, or water); or
- A replacement part or component for equipment that is specific to a particular piece of equipment and not available from more than one vendor.
- Sole source does not apply to mainframe data-processing equipment and peripheral attachments with a single item purchase price in excess of $15,000.
Sole Source Affidavit
The district is responsible for obtaining and retaining documentation from the vendor that clearly states the reasons the purchase must be made on a sole source basis. The district will require a sole source affidavit and a vendor information form from the vendor. These forms must be sent to any vendor qualifying as a sole source provider. These documents must be complete and on hand in the purchasing department before a purchase will be made.