Technology Discount Program
San Angelo ISD students, faculty, and staff may make technology purchases at discounted rates with the vendors listed below. Each offer indicates who is eligible to receive the discount. For specific details on how to make a purchase, please refer to each vendor's Purchasing Instructions. Note - Purchases made using the technology discount program are between the staff member/student and the vendor - not SAISD. SAISD is not responsible for purchases. If you have questions about a particular offer listed below, please refer to the contact information listed with that offer. SAISD is not responsible for troubleshooting or supporting staff or student’s personal devices.
Business Owners/Vendors: Joining the SAISD Technology Discount Program is fast and simple. Businesses that are able to offer a free, discounted or special service to SAISD students and/or employees may submit a request online.
If you have questions or comments regarding the Technology Discount Program, please contact the SAISD Technology Department at (325) 657-4002 x111.
Current Offers
Click offers below for more details.
- Discounted Internet & Devices - Affordable Connectivity Program
- Apple Education
- Avast - Free Virus Protection
- Best Buy
- Dell
- HP Employee Purchase Progam (Includes Students)
- Lenovo
- Microsoft 365 Online (including Email, OneDrive, Office WebApps of Word, Excel, etc) Free
- Microsoft Office Suite Install for Personal Devices --- Free for Current Staff & Students
- Rapid Technologies, LLC
- Bluum (formerly Trox)
Discounted Internet & Devices - Affordable Connectivity Program
Apple Education
Avast - Free Virus Protection
Best Buy
HP Employee Purchase Progam (Includes Students)
Microsoft 365 Online (including Email, OneDrive, Office WebApps of Word, Excel, etc) Free
Microsoft Office Suite Install for Personal Devices --- Free for Current Staff & Students
Rapid Technologies, LLC
Bluum (formerly Trox)