Data Dashboard
The Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of the district's performance on selected key measures including student test performance, attendance, and demographics as well as staff and financial breakdowns. The information contained in the Data Dashboard comes from the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) report, an annual report created by the Texas Education Agency that pulls together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas.
Community Based Accountability
At San Angelo ISD, we believe true accountability to our students, families, staff and community is about more than a single test score on a single day in the school year. We believe the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests do not give a complete picture of San Angelo ISD, our students or our schools, and are just one factor, among many, to help us determine where successes and opportunities are located within a school system. In the 2017-2018 school year, SAISD began the purpose-driven work of a collaborative Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS) for true accountability. Our CBAS processes bring together a district Advisory Council (CBAS Council) made up of over 100 local community members, students, parents, educators and administrators who help SAISD to identify and measure our accountability. The CBAS Council takes into account many factors which enrich a student’s whole educational experience at a much more comprehensive and meaningful level, while reflecting the values of our West Texas community.
TEA Accountability Ratings
Texas provides annual academic accountability ratings to school districts and schools based largely on performance on state standardized tests and graduation rates. The ratings examine student achievement, student progress, efforts to close the achievement gap and postsecondary readiness. Districts and campuses receive a rating of A, B, C, D, or F for overall performance, as well as for performance in each domain. More Info
As of 2022, San Angelo ISD has received an overall B rating.
Federal Report Cards
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires each State education agency to prepare and publish an annual report card with state, district, and campus-level data.
Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas
The Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (Schools FIRST) is administered by the Texas Education Agency and calculated on information submitted to TEA via the district's Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submission each year. The Schools FIRST accountability rating system assigns one of four financial accountability ratings to Texas school districts, with the highest being “Superior Achievement,” followed by “Above-Standard Achievement,” “Standard Achievement” and “Substandard Achievement.” For the 18th year in a row, the San Angelo Independent School District has earned a rating of “Superior Achievement” with a perfect score on the rating criteria.
Texas Academic Performance Report
The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and low income status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics. Learn more
The 2022-2023 Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) for each campus and the district were released by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) in December of 2023 along with a comprehensive glossary that provides definitions, describes methodologies, and lists sources for each data point in the TAPR.
The 2022-2023 TAPR is currently published without A–F ratings, Distinction Designations, or Special Education Determination Status. The issuance of the A–F ratings under the 2023 rule is pending and subject to change.
2022-2023 TAPR Comprehensive Glossary
The 2022-2023 TAPR for every district and campus in the state can be found on the TEA Texas Academic Reporting site.
School Report Cards
The school report card (SRC) combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance. Available for each campus in Texas, the SRC is intended specifically to inform parents and guardians about a school's individual characteristics and its academic performance. More
Parent Letter
Carta para los padres
School Report Card Definitions
Definiciones de informe de calificaciones escolares
View 2021-2022 Report Cards by Campus: