San Angelo Reads! Resources
Parent Resources
Comprehension of Fiction and Non-Fiction Books - Parents can use this quick one page reference sheet to determine comprehension of fiction and non-fiction books.
Why Reading to Your Kids in Your Home Language Will Help Them Become Better Readers - This article provides suggestions of ways that you can help your child develop his or her literacy skills in your family's native language and explains the research behind the recommendations.
Por qué leerles a sus hijos en español los ayudará a ser mejores lectores - Este artículo le ofrece sugerencias que pueden ayudar a su niño a desarrollar sus habilidades para la alfabetización en la lengua materna de su familia y explica la investigación tras las recomendaciones.
Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home - The article provides tips to help parents and guardians develop their student's reading skills at home with evidence-based practices from classroom settings.
Math Literature Connections - View book recommendations which help build connections between reading and math to enable your student to develop their mathematical and literacy skills.
How to Encourage Good Reading Habit in Kids - This article provides suggestions on ways to help encourage your student to read an how to build reading habits.
Student Resources
SORA - San Angelo ISD is excited to partner with the Tom Green County Library to provide free access to thousands of e-books and audiobooks to SAISD students through the SORA reading app.
Istation At-Home Access - Students can access the Istation program at home through these instructions.
Acceso a Istation en Casa - Los estudiantes pueden acceder al programa de Istation en casa siguiendo las instrucciones que se indican a continuación.
Additional Resources
If you need additional resources to access books or literacy initiatives in our community, you can find some helpful links below.
HEB read3
Tom Green County Library
Junior League of San Angelo
Children's Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas, Inc Family Enrichment Services