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San Angelo READS! Day

We invite you to SAVE-THE-DATE for our 5th Annual San Angelo READS! Day Wednesday, December 4, 2024! We hope our families, community partners and all of Tom Green County will join us in inspiring a love of reading that day! From reading with a child that day, donating a book to someone in need or creating your own unique way, we can’t wait to see how our schools and community celebrates literacy! Stay tuned on our Facebook and Twitter to learn more as we get closer to the big day! Keep Reading, San Angelo! 

Countdown to San Angelo Reads! Day - December 4, 2024!




The first annual San Angelo READS! Day was held Wednesday, December 9th, 2020! San Angelo ISD joined with community partners in a city-wide proclamation of San Angelo READS! Day to promote literacy in our community. The community was encouraged to read with a child, donate a book to a child in need, or support literacy in San Angelo. 

San Angelo ISD elementary school campuses spent the day celebrating literacy with special activities for our SAISD students. Also, each 3rd grade student received a copy of the book "San Angelo A to Z - A Young Reader's Guide" by Dr. Linda Thorsen Bond compliments of the San Angelo Area Foundation. Why 3rd graders? Children who do not read on grade level by the end of the third grade only have a 1 in 8 chance of catching up to other students who are reading within their grade level and are 4 times more likely to drop out of school.